How this started

Yesterday I applied for working remotely, due to travel back home for my wedding. And I was almost sure I’m going to get approved. Many people worked remotely before and during the last 2 years I have put all my efforts including some off time and weekends for the company.

Then answer came back that they decided in a commity that I can take extended vacation/leave, but there will be no remote work for me! And they gave some crazy ass reason for it (due to security).

I can bear almost any hardships, but coming from a pretty limiting country, I can’t bear any limits to my freedom. Other people could do it, why not me? Other people do it in other companies, again why not me? I have a legit reason for it. I need to see my family after 3 years and get married. Fuck,… even writing it gives me that rush of feelings.

So here I go… I started working on these projects in the hope of profitability and freedom from geographical/company boundries.

starting, entrepreneurship